Saturday, November 8, 2008

One Piece 521 - Hoof of the Soaring Dragon image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
After the warriors have evacuated from the stadium, Luffy asks if Hebihime is going to fight him, but Hebihime is in no mood to fight anymore. Luffy then asks Hebihime to turn Margaret and her friends back to normal. Hebihime decides to test Luffy, telling Luffy that she can return Margaret and her friends back to life or give Luffy a ride off the island, but she'll only grant one of the requests. Luffy chooses to save Margaret and her friends without any hesitation and bows his head in thanks. Luffy's actions surprise the three sister and also old lady Nyon, who is still watching from the audience stands.

Soon after, Margaret and her two friends walk out of the stadium to be greeted by the other warriors. Margaret and her friends don't remember much about what happened, but they did reveal that Luffy was called into Kuja Castle by Hebihime. In Kuja Castle, Luffy is waiting outside the empress' chamber with Marygold and Sandersonia. Luffy is under the impression that the Gorgon sisters are giving him food as thanks, and so he is looking for a banquet when Hebihime calls him into the chamber. Instead of food, Luffy finds Hebihime sitting topless. Hebihime turns around and wants Luffy to examine the mark on her back. Luffy looks at the mark and states that he actually hasn't seen the mark before, but he remembers that the mark on Hachi's forehead looked like the mark on Hebihime's back. At this moment, Nyon makes her way into the room and states that Hebihime shouldn't be afraid to tell everything to Luffy, as Luffy was the man who sent a world noble flying at the Shabondy Archipelago. This cause Hebihime to weep, and then she starts explaining everything to Luffy.

Hebihime explains that the mark on her back was the symbol of the world nobles, and people marked with the symbol were slaves of the world noble. When they were young, Hebihime and her two sister were captured from the Kuja pirate ship by slave traders and sold to the world nobles. The world noble who burned the mark on Hebihime's back was the first man that she had ever saw, and that's reason why she detests men so much. The three sisters lived horrible lives as slaves, but one day they were freed when the famous fishmen pirate Fisher Tiger caused chaos through the holy land and freed many slaves. Fisher Tiger tooked some of the freed fishmen in and formed the Sun Pirates. As the slave symbol can never be removed, Fishmen Tiger decided to burn a symbol of the sun on top of the slave mark, and that is mark that Luffy saw. Hebihime states that having the sun mark doesn't necessarily mean that Hachi was a slave, but he was probably at one time a member of the Sun Pirates. Hebihime then explains that for entertainment purposes, the world nobles fed she and her sisters devil fruits, and using these powers they were able to keep their past from the other Kuja pirates. The ruler of Amazon Lily cries again and declares that she'll deep deceiving the other residents on the island because she doesn't want to be controlled like a slave ever again. Nyon shows approval to Heibhime for expressing her feeling, but the elder and Hebihime soon get into another argument. After ignoring Nyon, Hebihime asks if Luffy scorns her because she was a slave, but Luffy states that it only made him hate the world nobles more. Hebihime is touched by Luffy's attitude and agrees to give Luffy a ride off the island to anywhere he wants.


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