Friday, December 26, 2008

One Piece 527 Spoilers

Buggy performs a In-air spinning Circus move on a Bluegori, but has no effect on it... while Luffy handles five of them.
The armband Luffy's wearing that Nami gave to him has treasure marking showing where Captain John's treasures are.
(If you recall, Captain John's treasure is what Buggy was going after)
Buggy tells him he'll take him to Lv4 if he gives it to him, and Luffy does easily.
They continue to plow through the walls, and goes through the prison guard room.
They come to "Crimson Hell" room where leaves slices through intruders as blades, but because of Bara Bara fruit, it has no effect on Buggy.
They jump into a well, and come to a diffrent place. They hear growls like that of beasts

Undersea Prison Impel Down Level 2: The floor of hellish beast
Mr3: I don't even have enough strength to fear... we're all going to be their food sometime

As for the pics

pic 1
coverstory: "Father and son schemes asssination of CP9"
Spandam and Spandine are planning to assasinate CP9
pic 2
Explanation on buggy's ability.
The feet must be touching ground to control the rest of the separated body.

pic 3
Buggy's thoughts: Don't look at me with those pure eyes....! I'm a cunning, scheming bastard....!!!
(Buggy is apparantly feeling guilty for decieving Luffy)

???: Level 1 Crimson Hell! This IS IMPELDOWN!
(no, no one's kicking an inmate down the well )

Buggy: Finally, I have Captain John's "T" Mark!!
Like hell I'm gonna be your guide anymore, see ya Strawhat!! (rest is hard to read)

Undersea Prison Impel Down Level 2: Floor of the hellish beasts
Mr3: I no longer have enough strength to even fear.... we're all eventually going to become their


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